Thursday, April 3, 2008

Walther Article

This article discusses the differences between virtual groups communication and ftf in regards to trust, liking and performance. In cmc, trust and liking of members are established when the members communicate frequently and perform the assigned tasks of the group. The more one participate and contribute to the group, the more the group will trust and like the contributor. This has proven to be true when participating in a class assignment. People will be drawn more to the person who stays focus and complete her/his share of the work. In ftf, trust and liking are more the result of how a person is perceived socially.

1 comment:

Erin H. said...

First of all, unlike many of the articles we read, I didn't see many problems with the study. On a whole, I thought it was very controlled, and I even like how they incorporated self-report attributes.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I also felt like the results came out as I would have predicted them to be. Also, the rules created were very generic.

As we said in class though, I think the results received were actually because rules in generals were created. In other words, results were specific to this set of rules. And obviously, this is a good thing, too.

Overall, I did find this to be an easy read, maybe a little repetitive. I guess it's a personal preference, but I'm more interested in the relationship between an individual and online, then necessarily groups on the Internet.