Saturday, March 29, 2008

Online High School

Following on our discussion on Saturday, this is an interesting article. Students could have the option of attending school completely online from K through 12. Will these students have an advantage as more college courses go online? More importantly, will they have a disadvantage when they attend FtF college classes---if they've never really "practiced" discussing issues in class or asking/answering questions?


kknutsen said...

I dont think that an online highschool would be very beneficial at all. For one, the child wouldnt get the social skills in order to go through college and to attain a job. It also would be hard for a child who is a visual learner, they would not be able to complete tasks as well as audio learners. The mother in the article said that her son thrived in this new environment. But I would think that most children would find distractioins in having a tv on or having the temptation to go outside and play instead of sitting inside on the computer doing homework all the time. Much discipline would be needed to accomplish the necessary amount of school work as required in a regular public school.

JMLeatherwood said...

I agree entirely.

I think this might be a good option for a small percentage of kids, but I don't think it's a trend that we should promote all that much. It's hard enough for kids who have been home schooled to adjust when they hit college or the working world. Imagine how hard it will be for someone who spends the majority of their day with NO interaction at all.

Megan T. said...

I agree with both of you. A child would not build the crucial social skills that are gained during these years if he/she never leaves the house for school. The friendships as well as hardships that one endures during this time helps to build the character that will make one the person that they will be as an adult. Even those who are home schooled have some sort of interaction, such as funcions with other home schooled students. In the case of these "cyber schools", I think it would be essential to have functions such as that, such as dances and "play dates" (for lack of a better term) in order to create some sort of socialization.

Molly said...

I agree with Josh in that a few children would probably benefit from this very much. Some children have extremely special needs and need to be with parents or in places that they can be taken care of 24/7 and having the online schooling would be very accomodating to them and their families. I do however think that ftf interaction is a crucial component of the development of any child. Shaping, learning, observing, imitating, and all other things plays an important role with learning and how it helps with communication. I personally love to see people ftf and look at them when I am doing just about anything so I think online school would be okay to a certian extent.

Amanda C said...

I think that this would be good for only a few. There is so much more to learn when going through school then what is in the books. It would take a lot of dedication to sit and do what is needed to be done without having an intimidating teacher down your back the next day asking for your assignments. It would be hard to know if the students are getting what they need from an online school. K-12th grade is a lot of school online, you would learn everything. how can you teach someone how to write curive on a computer screen. I would think too that the parents would have to have much involvement in what is going on.