Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Online Gossip Sites


This is the evil cousin of facebook, a site in which people can anonymously gossip about their peers.

What do you think of it!?


Melanie Nicole said...

WOW, I can't even imagine being put on that site. Although I would have to agree we as a culture thrive off of what other people are doing, and more specifically what gossipy (Made up my own word) thing we can find out. I am guilty of watching TMZ, it is just so oddly entertaining.

Meg F said...

This is taking hate mail to a whole new level. I understand why older people and professionals look down on people our age because of things like this. I would be so upset if I was job hunting and the people I was interviewing for googled my name and that site came up.

Websites like these, and makers like this guy, don't realize how hurtful they are. It's trying to turn our already bad society into even bigger haters. What happened to "if you can't say anything nice about someone don't say anything at all"?

Amanda C said...

I agree. Although our society is so caught up in worrying about what everyone else is doing, this site could be very hurtful to those students who are looking for jobs. Its high school drama online! Its wrong and could be hurtful to ones self!

Megan T. said...

I just cannot think of a single positive aspect of this site. Everything that could possibly come out of it would be negative--whether it be one's peers to see someone on it or like earlier said, for an employer to come across it. It is crossing the line when it comes to gossip.
Websites like this are created out of malice and spite. I think the idea itself is immature.

Steph said...

I agree I can't believe someone actually took the time to think of a website like this. It is just crazy. There is already enough gossip in the world ... we don't need more. And my question is how is someone supposed to get the things that have been said about them off ... esp. if the comments that were made weren't true?!?! Would they have to pay a outrages amount to some legal team?!?! And like Meg said sites like this where people our age participate makes all of us look bad and only losses any respect we may have as a generation.

Hannah said...

Though I’m bewildered at such a site… are we forgetting a key aspect? Sensation sells. From magazines to the news. Never mind the cultural genocides that are going on around the world, the thousands of people that die per day of hunger worldwide, etc. Let’s concern ourselves about the latest celebrity gossip, or better yet, who is the biggest slut/player on our college campus.

Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” If anything this just perpetuates the circle. Ok. So you are upset at someone. I don’t understand how getting on this website…retaliating and posting malicious things can improve oneself. How immature is that? Yay for karma.

JMLeatherwood said...

RE: employers looking at this. I'm not so sure I would want to work for aan employer who takes sites like this seriously. Talk about unprofessional. I think it's sad that our society is so enthralled by things such as this. What ever happened to hobbies?

I think this website could serve the purpose of catharsis, but at what cost? As far as being the subject of something on the website... Well, I guess you just have to be willing to stand behind whatever it is that you're doing. If what is posted is true, then that person better be ready to 'own that identity'.