- EnemyBook--which allows you to manage your "enemies" on facebook.
- Hatebook.com--apparently, facebook for haters.
- Snubster.com--Another enemy application for facebook.
What do you think?
A class discusson on the Psychology of Online Interactions
What do you think?
WOW! Those are some pretty horrible sites. Call me crazy, but I never even know those kind of sites were out there. I just looked for a few minutes, read a few posts, and could not believe some of the things people were saying. I think its funny how these are supposed to be anti-networking, but yet, you are still networking to people that hate the same things or people that you do. The sites are just very negative and a poor sites for any teens to know about. Sites like this should simple not exist, but its the internet afterall, and anything can happen.
How is this an "anti-social" networking site when it's still within the frame of a networking site. Just because they claim to be "anti-social" doesn't eliminate the fact that they are still networking with others.
Anyway, sites such as these seem like they would encourage flaming and internet bullying even more. People do enough of that these days, so I definitely don't think websites strictly devoted to it help either.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I actually like hatebook. You all know me pretty well by now and you know that I'm not a mean person but I think this kind of thing is healthy. Maybe it's just my rabid animosity toward political correctness or maybe it's just the introversion coming out in me and making want to be different. Unlike Juicy Campus, it seems to be anonymous enough to not affect people who are the subject of the rants. (Granted; I haven't had much time to look over it) Not to mention, I find some of the rants to be very amusing. Now, that said, I definitely think an age limit should be impossed on something like this because it's not for people who are easily influenced. The content must be taken for what it's worth which is an opinion or a rant and nothing more.
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