Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kaycee Nicole

When I read Ch. 4 a few days ago, I scratched down a note to pull up any articles on the Kaycee Nicole situation. It appears to have happened almost 7 years ago, but somehow I never heard about it.

If your interested in reading the article...

What's horrible is that Kaycee's "mother" - or rather, the creator of Kaycee - mentions in the article how she wanted an online journal, and she wanted it to be positive. I'm not sure how creating a daughter that is dying of leukemia is positive! I'm just so disgusted after reading this article and to think that she kept it up for two years!


Molly said...

It bothers me that at the end of the article the author is commending the poeple for finding a connection to strangers, feelings and empathy on the internet. It is weird to me that a bored housewife/homemaker would come up with such an awful scenario. I think it was wrong for her to do that regardless of her intentions. In some sick way she found it entertaining to keep this lie going obviously due to all of the attention that she was recieving for it. It is very hard to trust anyone on the internet and this article just provides more support for the reasons why I don't trust on the internet. People must be really careful who they disclose and confide in. I think that this mother needs therapy, or maybe more to do with her time!!!

Leslie said...

This lady was apparently crazy and starving for attention. Of all the ways to be dishonest, she went so far as to create an imaginary, sick child. This is truely an article someone can put in their paper concerning deception. Apparently she is sicker than the child she made up. I can only feel sorry for the people she deceived into believing her story and can only imagine how emotionally attached they were to this child being that they actually followed the story. I don't agree with the closing sentences of the article because what started out as a show of support and love was turned into hurt, mistrust, and anger.

Meg F said...

This article made me sad. This homemaker had way too much time on her hands and was crazy. She completely made up a sick child and then killed her off. It wasn't like this went on for a few days or weeks, this went on for months. She deceived so many people. I just wonder how many of the people who read her blog were people or family member dealing with leukemia. I would feel so hurt that she basically made a mockery of their lives and the challenges and struggles that they deal with on a daily bases. Stories like theses make me sad for the people who use the internet for legitimate purposes, that don't deceive and trick people.

JMLeatherwood said...

I'm not so sure I agree with everything posted here. The internet in it's purest form is entertainment. Even though this lady might not be in the right as far as morals go, how is it any different from when someone in Hollywood crafts a script for a doomed character and makes a movie about an emotional subject? When taken in that respect, I can also see how the Kaycee 'character' could serve as an inspiration for the people she interacted with every day. I would probably be mad too if I had been scammed, but people should expect nothing less from the anonymity of the internet. I, for one, am not trusting of people in general and that increases with online relationships. But I guess a lot of that has to do with personality and personal experience.

Anita Blanchard said...

I'm not sure I agree that the internet is for entertainment, but honestly, the internet is probably like being in a dark room feeling an elephant--what you "see" is what you think the animal is.

For these folks duped by this woman, I don't think it was entertainment at all.

As a scientist, I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to know why she did that?!?! it's like those trolls I'm studying now....why go online and be mean?!

JMLeatherwood said...

She's very intriguing and would be a good case study :) I'd like to just sit and have an hour conversation with her.

I guess I view the internet as extraneous, so maybe that's why I think it's entertainment.